AARP Chapter 1917

Ocean City, Maryland
Since 1974

​                     Ocean City AARP Chapter 1917 Standing Rules

Ocean City Chapter 1917 shall be governed by the AARP Chapter Handbook as revised in 2017. The Chapter Standing Rules further supplement, clarify, and serve as a quick reference for the operating rules for Ocean City Chapter 1917 and are subject to annual review (as indicated on page 62 of the Handbook.)

Ocean City AARP Chapter 1917 meets within the town limits of Ocean City and its postal address is P.O. Box 4193, Ocean City, Maryland 21843. Information about the chapter is publicly available on its website at

​                                                             I. MEMBERSHIP

            1. The annual chapter membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors annually with approval of the membership.
            2. Chapter membership requires membership in the national AARP organization.
            3. Each person joining the chapter in any portion of the year shall pay annual dues.
            4. Membership dues will be accepted for only one year at a time.
            5. Persons joining the chapter after Sept. 1 will have their dues applied to the following year.
            6. Persons who have not renewed their membership by January 31 will be dropped from the membership roster.
            7. No member may use their association with the chapter to further his/her personal interests.

                                                              II. MEETINGS

            1. Regular membership meetings will be held at the Ocean City 50Plus Center on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00a.m. with a “social time” beginning at 9:30a.m. No member meetings will be held during the summer months of July and August.
            2. The October membership meeting agenda will include nominations for the Board of Directors for the following year; elections to the Board will take place at the November meeting with the installation of Board members in January.
            3. Board meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30a.m. in the Ocean City 50Plus Center. There will be no Board meetings held in the months of July and August. Special Board meetings may be called by the president or by a majority of Board members as deemed appropriate.
            4. Board meetings will require a quorum of 51% (5 members) to conduct business.
            5. Guests may attend a Board meeting at the invitation of the president.
            6. All member meetings and Board meetings will automatically be canceled in the event that Worcester County schools are closed.
            7. Committee meetings may be held at a time and place at the discretion of the Committee Chair.

                                                    III. Board of Directors

            1. The following shall constitute the elected Board of Directors
                        A. Officers (4) – President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary
                        B. Five (5) Board Members
            2. All officers and Board members are each elected for a three year term.
            3. The number of terms is unlimited.
            4. No officer or Board member may hold an elected position with another AARP chapter.
            5. Only members in good standing (those who are current with their membership dues) will be allowed to hold office, vote, or be a member of any chapter committee.

                                               IV. STANDING COMMITTEES

            1. Standing committees are determined by the Board of Directors to serve the best interests of the chapter. New committees may be created by a majority vote of the Board of Directors as needed. Existing committees may be combined or eliminated at the discretion of the Board.
            2. Standing committees will operate under the guidelines established by and under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
            3. The committee chair shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Board of Directors. Committee members may be selected by the committee chair.
            4. Committee chairs and committee members may also be members of the Board and must be in good standing.
            5. Standing Committees are:
                        Health Fair
                        Web Master

                                                                    V. FINANCE

            1. In January of each year, the treasurer will complete a year end fiscal review which is to be submitted to the AARP Office of Volunteer Engagement. The president will also receive a copy of said fiscal review.
            2. The treasurer shall maintain separate accounts for the General Funds, Travel Funds, and Health Fair Funds and will present a monthly report to the Board and the general membership.
            3. The treasurer will have primary authorization to disburse funds with the president acting in the treasurer’s absence. Discretionary spending of up to $500 may be authorized by the treasurer and/or president. Dollar amounts exceeding $500 shall require prior approval of the Board of Directors.
            4. The treasurer shall keep the books in compliance with IRS regulations as described in the AARP Chapter Handbook.

                                                       VI.  Insurance and Bonding

            1. Chapter 1917 shall carry liability insurance and all members acting on behalf of the chapter shall be covered.
            2. Any member handling General, Travel, or Health Fair funds shall be covered by a surety bond.

                                                                  VII. General

            1. The membership year and fiscal year are January through December.
            2. All persons acting on behalf of the chapter as officers, Board members, committee members, or persons representing Chapter 1917, must be members in good standing.
            3. All recorded minutes will be held by the secretary and passed on to his/her successor.
            4. All functions must be approved by the Board of Directors.
            5. Any person acting on behalf of an approved function is entitled to reimbursement of expenses related to that function provided that invoices and receipts are presented to the treasurer and approved by the committee chair.
            6. Any changes to the Standing Rules must be approved by a simple majority of the membership in attendance at a general meeting.
            7. The Chapter Standing Rules shall be available upon request to members in good standing.
            8. All Board members shall receive a copy of the most current AARP Chapter Handbook and a copy of the Chapter Standing Rules.

                           Approved by the Board of Directors _____________________________ (date)

                           Signature of President _________________________________________________

Chapter Standing Operational Rules